Monday, May 15, 2017


An idea for a new media would be a small robot  that cleans and organizes your room. With the robot, you must download an app . In the app you are able to schedule when you want your room clean and exactly what you're expecting to be done. You can input the days and time and whether it's daily or weekly. You program the robot through the app. You can Program whether you want just your bed fixed or your entire room.


So far I have contributed to different categories in the Wiki . I contributed to love, traveling , and toys and communication.I created a page about bankers.


File sharing is the ability to transmit files digitally from one computer to the next using the internet. Files that can be shared are music, document,movies and photos. P2P also known as peer to peers is directly dealing with a person online without a middle man. For example the article entitled "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other" P2P allows borrowers and Lenders to work together without the bank system. In that article, the individual applied for a loan online and within a few days the funds was send to him from the lender.


In today's society everything involves new media. Regardless of the fact that we create a password and security questions are our information really secured? As media users we are often skeptical about going digital. The direction that the world is going everything is online base. Whether is your banking information, health record, and your personal information.  This leaves lots of users  worried about their information. Although website have disclaimers about their privacy the website aren't really secured.With the whole world going digital, users often become victims of identity theft.


As a new hire at Baruch college, I'm here to help with new media. The first step is the Marketing / Promotion of the school. Having a website that is easy to navigate is always a plus.Baruch already has social network which allows student to keep up with school events. A great tool that I would suggest for Baruch is google analytics, this will help examine and view how people are viewing and analyzing their site.In addition possibly creating an app for the school that inform students on current events about the school.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017



HW Creativity

Media enables creativity. With media accessibility, users are able to create videos with a goal of going viral. In addition media also allows users to create mashups by combining videos or editing to their liking . According to the article entitled "Disney Tolerates A Rap Parody Of It's Critters. But Why? media users created a mashup using Disney characters and turning them into rap stars. This was done by using snippets of videos and putting them together and incorporating Crank That  song by Soldier Boy.

Modeling reality with virtual worlds

 Virtual worlds are three dimensional environments in which you can interact with others and create objects as part of the interaction. Virtual worlds enable participants to meet interact and chat  with others. It also brings forth a sense of social connection and support groups which allows participants to never feel alone, In addition , It helps enhance creativity . Norrie from the reading benefits from virtual worlds because it helps her create a lot of art and creative writing. In the article entitled  In Room 100 It's Sid And Nancy all over again,  Second Life  which is one of the popular virtual world environments, allows users to create a setting and hangout in them. According to the article entitled Going To The Virtual Office In The Second Life, many companies uses virtual worlds  for meeting and training purposes.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Twitter is a social Network which allow users to send short quick messages. Twitter different itself from blackboard and In class discussion , because it limit one to fully express themselves in one seating.Messages be sent in several posts.  Twitter only allows 140 characters per messages which goes by very quickly as oppose to blackboard and in class discussions where you can elaborate more on a topic. In class discussions differentiates itself from twitter because you are directly speaking to someone as oppose to @ them. In class discussions prevents miscommunication.

Facebook , Twitter , Snapchat, Instagram are all social platforms used in our society in order to stay connected with one another. People tend to have different preferences . Facebook is a very popular social network mostly used to keep in touch with Family and friends throughout the world and update life changing events.  Facebook allows users to post pictures and thoughts, share and send messages and like other's posts. Facebook was mostly used by millennials but over the years many Baby boomers became users, which forced most millennials to divert to other social platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Snap chat where they felt like they weren't under parent supervision.Facebook is also use by multiple businesses where they keep users updated on latest products and current events about their business, Facebook also have the go live feature which allows users to  go live. Instagram is all about taking pictures and writing a caption and liking others posts.Recently Instagram  allow users to do instavideos where they  are able to take 10 second videos and are also able to post multiple pictures at a time. Instagram is also used by businesses to promote their business and products. Twitter is a social network where you stay connected with users around the world through short quick messages. Businesses also use twitter to view customer feedback. Snapchat is a social network with short quick 10 second videos which allow other users to keep up with your current activity. Snachapt videos are only available for 24 hrs then they disappear.  Snapchat also contains filters and allow users to message one another. Snap chat is also used by businesses to promote their products through short video adds.
Virtual worlds are 3D environments  in which one can interact with others and create objects as part of the interaction. Virtual worlds enables participants to meet interact and chat.  Virtual worlds  are mostly used for video games. The pros of Virtual worlds   are it creates a sense of togetherness , creativity and is like a second life for some. The cons of Virtual worlds are users turns into addicts and the environment is not real. In the article entitled After Second Life can Virtual World Get A Reboot  it mentions that virtual worlds brings a sense of togetherness which makes you feel like you're never alone by bringing forth a sense of social connection, built-in support groups which prevents loneliness and promote togetherness. In addition it helps enhance creativity. Norrie from the reading benefits from virtual worlds because it helps her create a lot of arts and creative writing. In the article entitled In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again, according to the article second life which is one of the popular virtual world environments allows users to create a setting an hangout in them.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Topic of my project is" How Social Media creates a loss of Privacy" .With the exposure to social media, our society feel the need to share everything on social media. Our society share almost everything from pictures, moods,  feelings, life events, current activity etc. While social media connects us with one another  whenever users share information with friend list  that information can also be shared with other individuals who aren't on their friend list. Yes social media is a great tool but it contains many negative aspects.
Social media is a beneficial technology for business because it helps increase brand recognition. With social media, business are able to promote their product.   The company and product becomes more accessible to its consumers. In addition social media help view feedback from consumers and create a relationship with the customers.. Social media is beneficial to society by allowing convenient communication throughout the world. Social media also allows society to be interconnected.For example in the reading entitled in India using Facebook to catch scofflaw drivers"We find that Police officers created a Facebook page, where individuals who are driving recklessly are posted into that Facebook page. This Facebook page allows the Indian society to view who has been driving recklessly. One of the Dark side of social media is the fact that if a customer writes a bad review, it can ruin it for other customers which is bad for the business.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hello everyone  My name is Daphnee nicolas. I love to eat and cook so why not create a blog about food.