Monday, April 3, 2017


Facebook , Twitter , Snapchat, Instagram are all social platforms used in our society in order to stay connected with one another. People tend to have different preferences . Facebook is a very popular social network mostly used to keep in touch with Family and friends throughout the world and update life changing events.  Facebook allows users to post pictures and thoughts, share and send messages and like other's posts. Facebook was mostly used by millennials but over the years many Baby boomers became users, which forced most millennials to divert to other social platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Snap chat where they felt like they weren't under parent supervision.Facebook is also use by multiple businesses where they keep users updated on latest products and current events about their business, Facebook also have the go live feature which allows users to  go live. Instagram is all about taking pictures and writing a caption and liking others posts.Recently Instagram  allow users to do instavideos where they  are able to take 10 second videos and are also able to post multiple pictures at a time. Instagram is also used by businesses to promote their business and products. Twitter is a social network where you stay connected with users around the world through short quick messages. Businesses also use twitter to view customer feedback. Snapchat is a social network with short quick 10 second videos which allow other users to keep up with your current activity. Snachapt videos are only available for 24 hrs then they disappear.  Snapchat also contains filters and allow users to message one another. Snap chat is also used by businesses to promote their products through short video adds.

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